Thursday, November 4, 2010

Snapped Season 7 Episode 39 Karen Grauber

TV Show: Snapped
Aired on: 10:00 PM on November 7th, 2010 – Sunday
Channel: OXYGEN Channel
Episode Details: Season 7 Episode 39
Episode Name: Karen Grauber
A murder investigation uncovers the secret life of a daycare owner.
Snapped Season 7 Episode 39 Karen Grauber

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1 comment:

    Posted 07:59 AM, 11/05/2010paulgrauber Sad to say we may never really know what happened that night. Karen now tells a third version of what transpired that evening, a version my family and I believe to be true from the beginning. When my father and I went to the daycare the next morning after Tony was murdered, we were told by Gladys Williams the owner of the building, that Khalid Aldemeh had come earlier. Gladys had informed us Aldemeh insisted on getting all the belongings out of the center. When Gladys asked if he had known what occurred the evening before, his response was shocking. He told Ms. Williams he was there and was well aware of what went on. This comment in conjunction with the version Karen now tells from prison, seems to be in line with what the family originally believed.

    The Story being told now by Karen is that Tony walked in and found her nude with Khalid present. Fearing the consequences of Tony's reaction Karen ran to her office where she pulled out her gun. When Tony entered the doorway of the office, Karen shot Tony. What's most heart breaking is that Tony lay on the floor dying while Karen got dressed, and thought up some story to tell the authorities. As a result of Karen’s new admission of how she murdered Tony, my family would like the DA’s office to consider perusing perjury charges not only against her, but also against Khalid Aldemeh.

    The pain of rehashing this has been overwhelming for my family, but we must get to the truth, and the DA’s office should properly prosecute these criminals.

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    Posted 01:56 PM, 11/05/2010heartbroken This story just breaks my heart. I knew Anthony very well, and I also had the misfortune of meeting his wife. I wonder if the DA office was protecting this Kalid Aldemeh because of his stature. He must know people in high places as the Executive Treasure of the Palestinian American Congress, an organization designed to bash and degrade Jewish people.

    Either way you look at it the Grauber family certainly were victims of a system that is both corrupt as well as overloaded. I understand there were over 400 murders that year in Philadelphia. I'm certain it was more convenient for the DA's office to make deals and complete trials faster than most of us can change our underwear. That’s very sad for the Grauber family. The DA Office should reinvestigate, and properly prosecute those involved for the crimes they committed.

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    Posted 09:18 PM, 11/05/2010SPZJr I cannot believe the revolving door of the justice system that would allow a murderer to walk out of prison in a short enough time to be able to rebuild and have a life, even if she has to spend the entire 10 years behind bars. She took a generous and thoughtful father/son/brother/cousin/uncle/friend from this world. I am still in disbelief over what she has done. To find out that someone else was there and able to possibly help, and did nothing, is mind boggling. Hopefully there is enough evidence for the prosecutor to pass out some form of justice to those deserving.
